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  Advanced TheaterInstructor: Eric Ankrim View My Bio
Grades: 2nd to 12thRoom: Sanctuary
Year: 2024Time: 10:00 AM
Class Size: 10 to 14Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $46.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $25.00Cost Description: Printing materials for scene and music work
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: The perfect class for the enthusiastic young actor, this class will challenge its students to be the best performers they can be. We will work on acting, singing, dancing, stage presence, scene work and more! If performing is a true passion for your student, this class will provide them an opportunity for growth and development in all of the key areas of performance!

  Alphabet SoupInstructor: Becca Hall View My Bio
Grades: pre-K to 2ndRoom: B104
Year: 2024Time: 09:30 AM
Class Size: 8 to 12Prerequisites: This class is for children who are beginning to write letters and words but are not yet able to write down their own thoughts without help.
Tuition and Fees: $36.25 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 30 minutes
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $40.00Cost Description: Art supplies, notebooks, and paper
Homework: None
Parental Responsibilities: None -- this class will complement any writing and alphabet work you are doing at home.
Class Description: This is a 30 minute class. In this class, we will play with letters, sounds, rhymes, and writing. We will learn about how letters began as pictures (an A for instance, is an ox head, which you can see if you turn it upside down). We will practice writing, connect letters and sounds, and write poems and other fun things together. We will also incorporate lots of art, singing and rhymes, as we explore language both written and spoken together.

  America Goes to War - 1Instructor: Patty Spear View My Bio
Grades: 6th to 9thRoom: B102
Year: 2024Time: 11:00 AM
Class Size: 6 to 12Prerequisites: None
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Books to be read for class.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $15.00Cost Description: Copies and other materials used in classes.
Homework: 1 -2 hours per week reading. Listening to books is also acceptable.
Parental Responsibilities: Make sure students have all required books, Monitor and reinforce homework assignments.
Class Description: This class will focus on the American Revolution and Civil War. We will read historical fiction to give us a view into the time period, and go in depth into the sequence of events, looking at causes, major players, how the wars were fought, impacts both here in America and world-wide, and the effects. There will be lots of class discussion and occasional hands on activities. Anticipated books will be: Woods Runner - Gary Paulsen. Give me Liberty – Laura Elliott The Year of the Hangman – Gary Blackwood Across Five Aprils – Irene Hunt The Secret Solder – Ann McGovern Chasing Lincoln’s Kiler – James Swanson

  Art ExplorationInstructor: Sari Israel View My Bio
Grades: K to 2ndRoom: B105
Year: 2024Time: 01:30 PM
Class Size: 3 to 10Prerequisites: none
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: none
Parental Responsibilities: dress for a mess
Class Description: Express your unique self with a focus on fun, creativity, and art exploration. Students will create two and three-dimensional art using a variety of materials and techniques, learning about color, form, pattern and texture, while developing new artistic talents. Inspiration comes from master artists, world cultures and books. Please note: if the class is taken for more than one year, some projects may be repeated.

  Awesome PoetryInstructor: Becca Hall View My Bio
Grades: K to 4thRoom: B104
Year: 2024Time: 10:00 AM
Class Size: 9 to 12Prerequisites: The ability to write a sentence unassisted, using inventive spelling. New and returning students welcome!
Tuition and Fees: $46.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $40.00Cost Description: Art supplies, notebooks, and paper
Homework: None
Parental Responsibilities: None
Class Description: In this class, we will discover the awesomeness of poetry. We will read and write poems (learning some spelling and punctuation along the way). We will get to write about animals, dreams, wishes, and lies. We will play with noises, and write lots of weird and wild things. We will read poems by both classic and living poets -- including other kids. And we will have lots of fun playing with the power of words.

  Beginning FrenchInstructor: Cindy Genest View My Bio
Grades: 4th to 7thRoom: B107
Year: 2024Time: 09:00 AM
Class Size: 6 to 10Prerequisites: Reading and writing at grade level in English
Tuition and Fees: $36.25 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Pencil and eraserStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $30.00Cost Description: Supplies and copies
Homework: None
Parental Responsibilities: None
Class Description: In this class, each week we will learn about a theme and French vocabulary that goes with it in a positive and engaging environment. We will use songs and popular cultures to make it fun. Some themes included are greetings, colors, numbers, shapes, places, nature, family members , etc... I will adapt the difficulty of the activities depending on individual skills. Apprenons le franais ensemble!

  Beginning LEGO Simple Machines and LEGO RoboticsInstructor: Patricia Rector View My Bio
Grades: 3rd to 5thRoom: A108/A109
Year: 2024Time: 11:00 AM
Class Size: 8 to 12Prerequisites: A willingness to work with a partner for most class sessions. Basic reading skills and math skills (addition, subtraction).
Tuition and Fees: $49.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $20.00Cost Description: The supply cost covers small gifts to the students over the course of the year and general class supplies used for projects, such as paper rolls, markers, and masking tape.
Homework: None.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: This class is for early to mid-elementary students who love to build with LEGO and who are eager to learn the fundamentals of coding. Students work in partner pairs with a series of LEGO Education sets to build and program LEGO models ranging from interactive animal designs to Battle-bots and race cars. This class also incorporates a long unit learning to code with Scratch 3.0, a popular block-based programming language, with a series of progressively challenging art and game projects. Class curriculum is aligned to NGSS, ISTE, and CSTA standards and meets CTE Career Clusters for this age group.

  Book Club and WritingInstructor: Tamarah Lee View My Bio
Grades: 6th to 8thRoom: A Upstairs/The Hub
Year: 2024Time: 09:00 AM
Class Size: 8 to 12Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $57.00 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Please come with paper and pencil and be prepared to have the books we will be reading each month, whether they are kindle, hardcopy or from the Library. If your student chooses to listen to his/her book, please have a written copy available as well. I will be using Google Classroom for assignments and communication.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $40.00Cost Description: There will be a supply fee of $40.00 for the year. The supplies will cover their writing notebook, and various supplies. It will also cover photocopies or the electronic copies I will supply the student.
Homework: 2-3 hours a week /
Parental Responsibilities: Please make sure your student has their book for class and has read the assigned portion for the week.
Class Description: In this class we will be reading a book a month focusing on character, setting, plot, theme and literary devices. There will be a 1-2 page paper or project once a month based around the book. Using The 6+1 Traits of Writing we will discover how authors use these traits to build their characters and worlds and then use the traits to strengthen our writing. The goals of this class are to have fun discussing books, characters, and worlds together and to discover how to move learning from talking into the written form. Books we may use: Wonder, Hatful of Sky, Darius the Great is Not Ok, The Crossover, Prisoners of Azkaban, Sci-Fi Shorts, The Hobbit. This class will have different books from 2023-24 and I will have the list of books by the beginning of August. I would like to propose a two-day-a-week class. I would offer one live class at Labyrinth at the scheduled time and one Zoom class on Thursdays at the same time.

  CHESS: Beginner to IntermediateInstructor: Josh Sinanan View My Bio
Grades: K to 5thRoom: B101 Inside
Year: 2024Time: 09:00 AM
Class Size: 12 to 20Prerequisites: Skills needed: Ability to focus on direct instruction for 20-30min and playing chess games for the remainder of class. An excitement and interest in learning to play chess!
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: IStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $20.00Cost Description: Supply cost will provide each student with their own chess workbooks, which they can take home and work on outside of class as homework. More advanced workbook levels available for ambitious students who finished the first one.
Homework: Chess workbooks, puzzles and practice games on Chesskid/
Parental Responsibilities: Learn to play basic games of chess at home if possible with your student because it helps to support learning, but it is optional. Create an account on and assist them in learning to use it. Purchasing workbooks as needed during the year. Encouragement to have fun playing and learning more about chess outside of class.
Class Description: Learn the fundamentals and basic chess tactics and strategies with National Master and Washington Chess Federation President Josh Sinanan. Play this intellectually demanding and elegant game in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Explore and have fun learning about and playing chess! We will cover both the history of chess and how to play the game itself. The class will include teachings on tactics, strategies, openings, middlegames and endgames. Optional homework will be offered to supplement the topics covered in chess class.

  CHESS: Intermediate to AdvancedInstructor: Josh Sinanan View My Bio
Grades: 3rd to 12thRoom: B101 Inside
Year: 2024Time: 10:00 AM
Class Size: 12 to 20Prerequisites: Skills needed: Ability to focus on direct instruction for 20-30min and playing chess games for the remainder of class. An excitement and interest in learning to play chess! This class is for serious students who want to learn and raise their game to the next level.
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: IStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $30.00Cost Description: Supply cost will provide each student with their own chess workbooks and supplemental puzzles, which they will take home and work on in between classes. Intermediate and advanced workbooks are a bit more expensive, so this cost goes to covering that.
Homework: Chess workbooks, puzzles and practice games on
Parental Responsibilities: Learn to play basic games of chess at home if possible with your student because it helps to support learning, but it is optional. Create an account on and assist them in learning to use it. Encouragement to have fun playing and learning more about chess outside of class. Occasionally bringing your student to compete in weekend tournaments as scheduling allows.
Class Description: A class focusing on chess theory and praxis for Intermediate to Advanced players taught by Washington Chess Federation President and National Master Josh Sinanan. Learn to play this intellectually demanding and elegant game. Explore and have fun learning about and playing chess! We will cover both the history of chess and dive deeper into the game's many tricky tactics and combinations. Challenging chess puzzles will be provided for students to work on in class and at home. The class will include teachings on tactics, strategies, openings, middle games and endgames. Students will play practice tournaments in class and be encourage to take part in other competitions in the Pacific Northwest.

  Creative Crafts of the World (4)Instructor: Marilyn Romatka View My Bio
Grades: 6th to 12thRoom: B101 Outside
Year: 2024Time: 11:00 AM
Class Size: 6 to 12Prerequisites: none
Tuition and Fees: $43.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: noneStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $130.00Cost Description: Consumable craft materials, use of equipment
Homework: minimal
Parental Responsibilities: Make sure that if a project comes home (will happen only occasionally), the project comes back the next week
Class Description: Practicing fine motor-skill, hands-on techniques is more important than ever with the increase of electronic devices in our lives. In this class, we 'unplug' and create folk art; beautiful traditions that have stood the test of time! We will draw on ethnic traditions from all over the world. The CCW series of classes does not need to be taken in order, and there will be no overlap between CCW classes. All CCW classes are of similar complexity; the techniques do not get more complicated as the number goes up. The units in CCW 4 may include any or all of the following: Kumihimo Braiding on the Takadai (Japan) Ralli/ Kantha embroidery (Pakistan/India), African coil beads, Open-work garlic basket (all cultures), Shisha mirror-work embellishment (India), Kumihimo with beads (aka Braiding with Bling ), Bandhani micro-tie dye (many cultures), Ply-split Braiding (India), Kerzenbeschmucken (Germany), Hinterglasmalerai (Bavaria), Yarn Painting (Huichol, Mexico), and Molas (Panama) This class will be co-taught with Tara Hernandez. Tara will cover class whenever I travel, and I will cover for her when she travels.

  Creative Crafts of the World: the Early Years (year B)Instructor: Marilyn Romatka View My Bio
Grades: 2nd to 3rdRoom: B101 Outside
Year: 2024Time: 09:00 AM
Class Size: 4 to 10Prerequisites: none
Tuition and Fees: $43.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $100.00Cost Description: Instructor will supply all materials, tools for all units.
Homework: minimal
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Folk art is fun! Have your younger ones been eyeing the Creative Crafts of the World classes at Labyrinth? Have you needed to say 'Not yet, sweetie. You're not old enough yet' too often? Now, we've got something new for you: a CCW class for 2nd and 3rd graders! The crafts will still be *real living folk crafts* from around the world, we will still discuss far-away cultures, traditional dress, and geography. But the skills will be age-appropriate, and prep the students for learning that the world is a lot larger than just Washington state. (Crafts taught in this class will be distinct from the crafts taught later in the CCW 1-4 series of classes) Skills taught in this class (year B) may include any of the following: European Paperstars, Native American Sand Painting, Mexican God's Eyes, Nutcracker Painting, Hawaiian Lei, Natural Dyes from flowers, Baskets, Fish Kites, Knot Practices, 'Stained Glass' windows, Braiding Practices. This class will be assisted by Tara Hernandez. Tara will cover class whenever I travel.

  Creative Crafts of the World: the Early Years (year B)Instructor: Marilyn Romatka View My Bio
Grades: 2nd to 3rdRoom: B101 Outside
Year: 2024Time: 10:00 AM
Class Size: 4 to 10Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $43.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $100.00Cost Description: Instructor will supply all materials, tools for all units.
Homework: minimal
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Folk art is fun! Have your younger ones been eyeing the Creative Crafts of the World classes at Labyrinth? Have you needed to say 'Not yet, sweetie. You're not old enough yet' too often? Now, we've got something new for you: a CCW class for 2nd and 3rd graders! The crafts will still be *real living folk crafts* from around the world, we will still discuss far-away cultures, traditional dress, and geography. But the skills will be age-appropriate, and prep the students for learning that the world is a lot larger than just Washington state. (Crafts taught in this class will be distinct from the crafts taught later in the CCW 1-4 series of classes) Skills taught in this class (year B) may include any of the following: European Paperstars, Native American Sand Painting, Mexican God's Eyes, Nutcracker Painting, Hawaiian Lei, Natural Dyes from flowers, Baskets, Fish Kites, Knot Practices, 'Stained Glass' windows, Braiding Practices. This class will be assisted by Tara Hernandez. Tara will cover class whenever I travel.

  Creative WritingInstructor: Becca Hall View My Bio
Grades: 5th to 9thRoom: B107
Year: 2024Time: 11:00 AM
Class Size: 9 to 12Prerequisites: An interest in creative writing. Ability to express your thoughts in writing.
Tuition and Fees: $46.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Notebook and pencil/penStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $20.00Cost Description: Photocopies and art supplies.
Homework: One creative writing assignment a week -- half an hour to a couple of hours of time, depending on how seriously you dive into it.
Parental Responsibilities: None
Class Description: In this class, well explore writing fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. Well write in class as well as have a weekly writing assignment. Every week we will learn about writing craft, practice writing techniques, and listen to each others work and of course, well write! Drawing on the work of contemporary and classic writers as well as our own lives and imaginations, we will experiment with many elements of creative writing, from metaphor and sound-play to dialogue and voice. This is not a class focused on ripping apart or critiquing each others writing (or for that matter, on punctuation and grammar), but a safe space to write about what matters to you, plumb the limits of your imagination, challenge yourself, try new forms and techniques, and develop your voice as a writer and a human being.

  Drawn to Attention (f.k.a. Drawing and More)Instructor: Meka Zieger View My Bio
Grades: 4th to 8thRoom: B108
Year: 2024Time: 12:30 PM
Class Size: 10 to 12Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $20.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $75.00Cost Description:
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Art used to be taught with the 3R’s. It’s less ability as learning to “see.” Anyone can draw. Your student’s journal will be key to developing both skill and satisfaction. We use drawing games to train the eye–and relax (no worries about drawing “right”), discus famous artists’ work, draw the day’s projects and share our art. Topics include: experimenting, contour, “mistakes,” positive/negative space, lettering, design, maps, color and perspective. We’ll cover still lifes to figure drawing (with live models), on-location and fast. Media: primarily pen and watercolor, some pastel too. I pack our hour full, so each week I email a class recap you and your student can review. Also there’s a weekly “challenge”–the best way to get better at drawing is to...draw. I draw daily–for more than “practice,” learning: what I haven’t drawn, I’ve never really seen. This class is 14 years in the making. I’m constantly tweaking as I learn how my students learn, so it’s the same but different. And, because the journal makes it so personal, students get something new each year they join. I’ve had repeat students for 2-7 years! This year “Drawing and More” gets a name change to “Drawn to Attention.” As we see an increase in screen time, drawing counters passivity by helping to train “mindfulness.” (Moms welcome to draw too!) Here’s what students and parents are saying about this class: “In a consumer-saturated world, I treasure the idea my son finds joy in creating.”–Michelle, mom “I would never have thought to carry around an art journal. (My sister’s taking your class next year!)”–Madeleine “Without you I never would have turned the page and discovered what a wonderful thing journaling is!”–Kate “You’ve helped me learn to like my art and that you can’t make ‘bad’ art. I am a much happier artist!”–Julia “I love how much you put into your art lessons. You don’t water things down.”–Dawn, mom “You are so detailed in how you teach us drawing skills! I’m thankful to have an articulate teacher.”–James “Before your class I never really enjoyed art and now I do!”-Micah

  Drawn to Attention (f.k.a. Drawing and More)Instructor: Meka Zieger View My Bio
Grades: 8th to AdultRoom: B108
Year: 2024Time: 11:00 AM
Class Size: 10 to 12Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $20.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $75.00Cost Description:
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Van Gogh said, “It’s looking at things for a long time that ripens you and gives a deeper understanding.” Studying Art and Design via keeping a journal helps you to really “see,” using your life as the vehicle for training your eye. Learning to draw on-location and keep a journal is key for future art careers. Topics include: gesture, contour, “mistakes,” positive/negative space, lettering, elements of design, maps, color and perspective; as well as examining famous artists’ work. We’ll cover still lifes to figure drawing (with live models), on-location and fast. Our medium: primarily pen and watercolor, some pastel too. I give lots of information in class and email detailed notes each week, along with a “challenge.” The best way to get better at drawing is to...draw. I draw daily–for more than “practice,” learning: what I haven’t drawn, I’ve never really seen. This class is 14 years in the making. I’m constantly tweaking as I learn how my students learn, so it’s the same but different. And because the journal makes it so personal, students get something new each year they join. I’ve had repeat students for 2-7 years! This year “Drawing and More” gets a name change to “Drawn to Attention.” As we see an increase in screen time, drawing counters passivity by helping to train “mindfulness.” (Moms welcome to draw too!) Here’s what students and parents are saying about this class: “These 3 years, I’ve learned so much about art and myself in your class.”–Jay “You made me confident in my drawing skills. I’m looking forward to next year!”–Katelyn “Magic is spreading in our house. Thank you for encouraging Ela–now teaching her little brothers!”–Tim, dad “I learned so many new things about watercolors. Because of this class, I draw more.”–Diego “I love the way we all have to embrace the mistakes and not make our journal too precious!”–Talia “Thank you for teaching Dominic an amazing life skill!”–Heather, mom “I’ll miss this class but I’ll never stop journaling!”–Viviana

  Essay WritingInstructor: Becca Hall View My Bio
Grades: 8th to 12thRoom: B107
Year: 2024Time: 12:30 PM
Class Size: 8 to 15Prerequisites: Must be ready to write pieces that are at least several paragraphs long, and ready to work on organizing thoughts on a paragraph level. Must have the ability to work independently on writing projects at home.
Tuition and Fees: $46.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: notebook or laptop, printed copies of typed work done at homeStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $20.00Cost Description: Photocopies and supplies
Homework: Students will have multi-week, multi-page writing projects, in which they will be asked (with direction in class) to write notes and outlines, drafts, and revisions, as well as sometimes to do research.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Practice writing persuasive essays, compare and contrast essays, research-informed writing, and personal essays. Learn how to write strong theses, transition from one idea to another smoothly, cite sources correctly, and organize your big ideas. Learn how to write clearly and effectively, and to debate ideas convincingly and respectfully. In this challenging and (I promise) fun class, we will learn how to express ourselves in writing powerfully and adeptly, skills that will carry into college, work, and life.

  Exploratory Drama and MusicInstructor: Eric Ankrim View My Bio
Grades: K to 3rdRoom: Sanctuary
Year: 2024Time: 11:00 AM
Class Size: 10 to 14Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $46.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: n/aStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $25.00Cost Description: Books/plays, craft supplies, music supplies, various other supplies
Homework: n/a
Parental Responsibilities: n/a
Class Description: We will explore storytelling using our bodies and imaginations, creating characters, and living through stories together using literature, pictures, dramatic narrative role play, music, and movement. Students will also learn about plot points, character goals, and making big choices on stage. Students will have the opportunity to craft something in class occasionally and to show-and-tell the skills we are developing. They will work on building self-confidence and problem-solving skills while having fun and taking creative risks.

  Exploring Electricity & MagnetismInstructor: Ed Morin View My Bio
Grades: 6th to 8thRoom: A Upstairs/The Hub
Year: 2024Time: 12:30 PM
Class Size: 3 to 8Prerequisites: Interest and desire to learn about electricity and magnetism. Fifth grade math and reading skills. Good fine-motor skills. Temperament and self-discipline to calmly focus and be interactively engaged with classroom activities. Ability and willingness to follow instructions (verbal and written).
Tuition and Fees: $51.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: If classes are taught online, some common household materials may occasionally be required (e.g. tape, paperclips, pencil, foil, AA-battery cells, etc.); these are normally provided as-needed in the classroom.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $55.00Cost Description: Supplies fee covers cost of bulk-purchased classroom supplies and customized classroom kits that include Snap and other custom project kits stored in a convenient carrying case. Students return the kit at the end of the year.
Homework: None required.
Parental Responsibilities: Supervise student project work outside of class as-appropriate. Supervise care of materials that are brought home which may not be safe for others such as younger children and pets (e.g. magnets). Ensure materials kits provided to their student are returned in good condition at the end of the year.
Class Description: In 600 BC, the Greek Philosopher Thales discovered static electricity. Over time, other scientists and inventors continued to observe, hypothesize, and experiment, expanding our understanding of this curious phenomenon. Allesandro Volta's breakthrough invention of the battery in 1800, followed by Hans Christian Oersted's discovery in 1820 that an electric current creates a magnetic field, initiated a series of discoveries and innovations which enabled us to harness and benefit from these amazing properties of the natural world. Over the course of the year, students will tour the same path of discovery using dozens of hands-on experiments and projects enabling them to explore and experience the basic principles of electric charge, electric current and electromagnetism. Significant discoveries and inventions, and the scientists and inventors behind them, will be acknowledged along the way.

  Exploring MicrocontrollersInstructor: Ed Morin View My Bio
Grades: 7th to 10thRoom: A Upstairs/The Hub
Year: 2024Time: 01:30 PM
Class Size: 3 to 8Prerequisites: An interest and desire to learn about the Arduino microcontroller and C++ development environment. Basic understanding of electrical circuits, electronics, and electromagnetism (covered in Exploring Electricity & Magnetism and/or Exploring Electronics classes). Sixth grade math and reading skills. Competency in laptop system use including file and folder management. Good fine-motor skills. Ability to read small printing and color-codes on electronic components. Temperament and self-discipline to calmly focus and be interactively engaged with classroom activities. Ability and willingness to follow instructions (verbal and written).
Tuition and Fees: $51.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Basic laptop/notebook computer with 2 GB RAM, an available USB port for programming and testing and 500 MB available storage (older models are fine; Arduino software is available for use with Windows, MacOS and Linux). - OPTIONAL: Small hand tools. Although available for shared-use in class, students may want to have a few of their own small hand tools including fine needle-nose pliers, small wire cutter, small wire stripper, small screwdrivers, and multimeter; suggestions can be provided if desired.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $55.00Cost Description: All materials required for class projects and activities are provided by the instructor. The supply fee covers bulk purchased classroom consumable materials and a customized electronics kit including an Arduino microcontroller, USB cable, breakout devices, high-quality breadboard and dozens of electronic components organized in parts boxes stored in a convenient carrying case. Students return the kit at the end of the year.
Homework: None required.
Parental Responsibilities: Supervise student project work outside of class as-appropriate. Supervise care of materials that are brought home which may not be safe for others such as younger children and pets (e.g. small parts). Ensure materials kits provided to their student are returned in good condition at the end of the year.
Class Description: Over the last 50 years, tiny computers have made their way into nearly everything including cars, household appliances, smart-home control, toys, utility infrastructure and even the manufacturing machinery to make these things! In this class, students will get an introduction to the popular, easy-to-use microcontroller development system called Arduino. It is designed to provide foundational knowledge for working with robotics and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Over 100 fun, hands-on projects using the popular electronics breadboard system (no soldering required) help students learn about basic input and output control for common devices including LEDs, pushbuttons, simple games, environmental sensing and remote control using the C++ programming language. Classes utilize a flexible, self-paced, lab-style approach where students can save an unfinished project for the next class or opt to continue working on it outside of class.

  Fiber Crafting Circle and Sustainable CraftingInstructor: Makenzie Santerelli View My Bio
Grades: 6th to AdultRoom: B108
Year: 2024Time: 09:00 AM
Class Size: 3 to 12Prerequisites: None
Tuition and Fees: $10.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: None
Parental Responsibilities: Accompany children if they need help focusing.
Class Description: The intention of this class is to be purposeful in setting aside time in our busy schedules to collaborate and share in our craft! It is intended to invite seasoned fiber artists as well as beginners to form a collaborative circle of knowledge and shared gifts. In this class we will explore different fiber crafting techniques and stitches, as well as learn about the many different types of fibers available to work with. We will cover mending, up-cycling and sustainable crafting techniques just to name a few. I will be introducing unique local resources, drop spinning, yarn winding and Ill have extra yarn and crochet/knit tools for beginners. This is open to those who are interested in learning new skills, and those who wish to be inspired by having crafters around them. Please bring your current projects to work on, as well as fresh ideas! -Tools will be offered to be used in class.

  Fundamentals of BasketballInstructor: Sarah Weeldreyer View My Bio
Grades: 7th to 12thRoom: GymA
Year: 2024Time: 10:00 AM
Class Size: 5 to 16Prerequisites: Desire to learn and practice basketball!
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $20.00Cost Description: Basketballs and other equipment!
Homework: Nope
Parental Responsibilities: Make sure your kiddo has good gym shoes and comfortable clothes for moving.
Class Description: Join Coach Sarah as we explore and learn about this super cool sport! We'll keep it moving through every class with skills drills, games, learning about rules and strategy, and practicing everything from ball handling to defense while having fun with good sportsmanship for everyone. Bring your good attitude and your willingness to work and let's play! (In addition to being a yoga teacher, Sarah comes from a background of basketball coaching. She played through college, volunteer coached for many seasons, and even tried assistant coaching at community college level. She loves basketball almost as much as she loves yoga, and definitely integrates the knowledge of her yoga practice into any other activity she touches!)

  Fundamentals of BasketballInstructor: Sarah Weeldreyer View My Bio
Grades: 5th to 6thRoom: GymA
Year: 2024Time: 09:00 AM
Class Size: 5 to 12Prerequisites: Desire to learn and practice basketball!
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $20.00Cost Description: Basketballs and other equipment!
Homework: Nope
Parental Responsibilities: Make sure your kiddo has good gym shoes and comfortable clothes for moving.
Class Description: Join Coach Sarah as we explore and learn about this super cool sport! We'll keep it moving through every class with skills drills, games, learning about rules and strategy, and practicing everything from ball handling to defense while having fun with good sportsmanship for everyone. Bring your good attitude and your willingness to work and let's play! (In addition to being a yoga teacher, Sarah comes from a background of basketball coaching. She played through college, volunteer coached for many seasons, and even tried assistant coaching at community college level. She loves basketball almost as much as she loves yoga, and definitely integrates the knowledge of her yoga practice into any other activity she touches!)

  Games and MovementInstructor: Sawyer Mickle View My Bio
Grades: 2nd to 4thRoom: GymA
Year: 2024Time: 11:00 AM
Class Size: 10 to 18Prerequisites: The ability to have a massive amount of fun!
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: PE clothes, shoes and water bottle.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: None.
Parental Responsibilities: Send student with appropriate clothing, footwear, and water bottle.
Class Description: Jump, run, and play in this all-out PE Class. In this class, we will play: capture the flag, sharks and minnows, fox tails, ball games, lines and blobs, Ninja, sardines, 1-2-3 look, night at the museum, all variations of tag (freeze tag, infection tag, silly tag, etc.) and so much more. The class's objective is to have students active and in motion for as long as possible. I hope this class can be a much-needed brain break for students, giving them the space to come back to their studies with a clear mind. Students are encouraged to bring their favorite games to class so that we might all try them out!

  Games and MovementInstructor: Sawyer Mickle View My Bio
Grades: 5th to 7thRoom: GymA
Year: 2024Time: 12:30 PM
Class Size: 10 to 18Prerequisites: The ability to have a massive amount of fun!
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: PE clothes, shoes and water bottle.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: None.
Parental Responsibilities: Send student with appropriate clothing, footwear, and water bottle.
Class Description: Jump, run, and play in this all-out PE Class. In this class, we will play: capture the flag, sharks and minnows, fox tails, ball games, lines and blobs, Ninja, sardines, 1-2-3 look, night at the museum, all variations of tag (freeze tag, infection tag, silly tag, etc.) and so much more. The class's objective is to have students active and in motion for as long as possible. I hope this class can be a much-needed brain break for students, giving them the space to come back to their studies with a clear mind. Students are encouraged to bring their favorite games to class so that we might all try them out!

  Hands on GeometryInstructor: Sawyer Mickle View My Bio
Grades: 3rd to 6thRoom: A106
Year: 2024Time: 10:00 AM
Class Size: 5 to 12Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $45.00Cost Description:
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Grab your compasses, rulers, and pencils because we are diving into the world of geometry. We will be creating three-dimensional shapes and warping perspectives at the crossroads of math and art. The primary focus of this class will be using logic and critical thinking to deconstruct three-dimensional shapes, and patterns and then recreate them for yourself. That way we are not bisecting an angle for the sake of bisecting an angle, we are taking a more holistic approach to understanding why and what bisecting an angle does

  Hands on GeometryInstructor: Sawyer Mickle View My Bio
Grades: 7th to 10thRoom: A106
Year: 2024Time: 09:00 AM
Class Size: 6 to 12Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $45.00Cost Description:
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Grab your compasses, rulers, and pencils because we are diving into the world of geometry. We will be creating three-dimensional shapes and warping perspectives at the crossroads of math and art. The primary focus of this class will be using logic and critical thinking to deconstruct three-dimensional shapes, and patterns and then recreate them for yourself. That way we are not bisecting an angle for the sake of bisecting an angle, we are taking a more holistic approach to understanding why and what bisecting an angle does

  History AdventuresInstructor: Patty Spear View My Bio
Grades: 4th to 6thRoom: B102
Year: 2024Time: 10:00 AM
Class Size: 6 to 12Prerequisites: Ability to read at a 4-6th grade level. Books can be read or listened to.
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: The book(s) for each of the time periods chosen. All books will either be available from the library or bookstores.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $60.00Cost Description: Craft supplies.
Homework: Roughly 1 hour/week to complete reading assignments
Parental Responsibilities: Make sure the students have the required books and oversee the reading of the books to be covered.
Class Description: This class is exactly what the name implies: Adventures in History. We will focus on approximately 6 periods of history, starting each with either a historical fiction or action/adventure book. We learn about the time period, the major players, how the people lived, what they believed, and how it compares to our current time. We do various craft projects throughout each unit to bring the time period to life. Units in the past have covered Ancient China, Age of Exploration, Renaissance, Medieval Age, Ancient Japan, History of Australia, the Constitution, various biographies, and many more. This is an active class, with lots of participation and movement. My biggest goal is to teach students to love history. NOTE: I DO NOT repeat units. Each year we cover different books and time periods than in prior years, so repeating the class works well. Listening to books is acceptable. A list of books used in prior years can be found at under The Book Stacks.

  History from the Magic Tree HouseInstructor: Patty Spear View My Bio
Grades: 1st to 3rdRoom: B102
Year: 2024Time: 01:30 PM
Class Size: 6 to 12Prerequisites: Ability to read at a 2nd grade level, or listen and understand the books. Ability to pay attention in class.
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: All books will either be available from the library or available in bookstores.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $60.00Cost Description: Materials for crafts and activities completed in class.
Homework: Roughly 1 hour /week, reading the books.
Parental Responsibilities: Obtain the books for your student. Oversee the reading of the books to be covered.
Class Description: Join us in the Treehouse as we travel through time and explore history with Jack and Annie. We will read 8-10 Magic Treehouse books, and learn about the time periods and events introduced. Lots of active class participation, moving, and crafts to reinforce what we learn. NOTE: we will read new books and have new adventures each year, so repeating the class works well.

  How to AdultInstructor: Patty Spear View My Bio
Grades: 8th to 12thRoom: B102
Year: 2024Time: 09:00 AM
Class Size: 6 to 12Prerequisites: Absolutely none!
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Binder and paper, pens.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $25.00Cost Description: Supplies used in class, materials I bring in, copies, etc.
Homework: Some things that we can't do at Labyrinth, such as cooking. I may ask the kids to cook a meal at home and bring in leftovers. Or going grocery shopping using a list and budget.
Parental Responsibilities: Help with homework.
Class Description: Taxes and credit and college, oh my! What your child needs to know to help them be successful in the "real world". We will cover credit cards, bank accounts, budgeting, income taxes, basics of insurance, time management, Career Exploration, basic CPR and First Aid, and so much more! Fiction books may be assigned during the year.

  Intermediate LEGO Robotics: LEGO Motorized Machines and LEGO Spike Prime RoboticsInstructor: Patricia Rector View My Bio
Grades: 5th to 8thRoom: A108/A109
Year: 2024Time: 12:30 PM
Class Size: 8 to 12Prerequisites: Students should be able to work graciously with a partner and / or a small team for all class sessions. This requires the ability to compromise, listen to others, and share ideas and suggestions. Basic fractions and basic keyboarding skills are necessary for this class.
Tuition and Fees: $49.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $25.00Cost Description: The supply cost covers small gifts to the students over the course of the year and general class supplies used for projects, such as paper rolls, markers, and masking tape.
Homework: None.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: This LEGO Education class explores middle-school robotics and programming in a non-competitive team environment. LEGO Education Motorized Machines sets are used to explore gear ratios, friction, and gravity, followed by LEGO Education's Spike Prime Robotics sets for models that can detect and move obstacles, follow lines, and turn at precise angles. The curriculum explores the patterns and structure of motorized machines and robotics, as well as programming and problem-solving. Students conclude the year by developing solutions to standard First LEGO League challenges and hosting a presentation to the Labyrinth community. Class curriculum is aligned to NGSS, ISTE, and CSTA standards and meets CTE Career Clusters for this age group.

  Intermediate LEGO Robotics: LEGO Motorized Machines and LEGO Spike Prime RoboticsInstructor: Patricia Rector View My Bio
Grades: 5th to 8thRoom: A108/A109
Year: 2024Time: 01:30 PM
Class Size: 8 to 12Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $49.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $25.00Cost Description: The supply cost covers small gifts to the students over the course of the year and general class supplies used for projects, such as paper rolls, markers, and masking tape.
Homework: None.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: This LEGO Education class explores middle-school robotics and programming in a non-competitive team environment. LEGO Education Motorized Machines sets are used to explore gear ratios, friction, and gravity, followed by LEGO Education's Spike Prime Robotics sets for models that can detect and move obstacles, follow lines, and turn at precise angles. The curriculum explores the patterns and structure of motorized machines and robotics, as well as programming and problem-solving. Students conclude the year by developing solutions to standard First LEGO League challenges and hosting a presentation to the Labyrinth community. Class curriculum is aligned to NGSS, ISTE, and CSTA standards and meets CTE Career Clusters for this age group.

  Junk Drawer RoboticsInstructor: Jennifer Richardson View My Bio
Grades: 6th to 9thRoom: A107
Year: 2024Time: 11:00 AM
Class Size: 4 to 12Prerequisites: Ability to work with other on a team, reading, and writing
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $50.00Cost Description: Materials needed for class projects
Homework: Occasional at home reading or designing, less than 1 hour per week
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Engages middle school youth in engineering design through the use of common household items. The curriculum was developed to focus on scientific and engineering practices; frame activities in the experiential learning cycle; and promote small group collaborative learning. Program offers a useful way of engaging youth in engineering design using robotics. Youth are challenged to build robots from everyday items. Does not require or use computers. Youth will use their Robotics Notebook to record their learning experiences, robotic designs and data from their investigations. The goal of Junk Drawer Robotics is to make science, engineering, and technology engaging and meaningful in the lives of young people. The activities do this by encouraging youth to use the processes and approaches of science; the planning and conceptual design of engineering; and the application of technology in their personal portfolios of skills and abilities. Students work in teams every class.

  Junk Drawer RoboticsInstructor: Jennifer Richardson View My Bio
Grades: 4th to 5thRoom: A107
Year: 2024Time: 01:30 PM
Class Size: 6 to 8Prerequisites: Ability to work with others on a team, reading, and writing
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $50.00Cost Description: Materials needed for class projects
Homework: Occasional at home reading or designing, less than 1 hour per week
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Engages youth in engineering design through the use of common household items. The curriculum was developed to focus on scientific and engineering practices; frame activities in the experiential learning cycle; and promote small group collaborative learning. Program offers a useful way of engaging youth in engineering design using robotics. Youth are challenged to build robots from everyday items. Does not require or use computers. Youth will use their Robotics Notebook to record their learning experiences, robotic designs and data from their investigations. The goal of Junk Drawer Robotics is to make science, engineering, and technology engaging and meaningful in the lives of young people. The activities do this by encouraging youth to use the processes and approaches of science; the planning and conceptual design of engineering; and the application of technology in their personal portfolios of skills and abilities. Students work in teams every class.

  Kindergarten/1st grade StorytimeInstructor: Amie Santerelli View My Bio
Grades: K to 1stRoom: B104
Year: 2024Time: 12:30 PM
Class Size: 4 to 10Prerequisites: None
Tuition and Fees: $20.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: NoneStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $20.00Cost Description: Consumables for art and sensory activities.
Homework: None
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: This thematic class will include a circle time with songs, sharing and story book with a related activity to follow. The activities will include age appropriate art, sensory and at time writing experiences.

  L heure du conte (Story Time)Instructor: Cindy Genest View My Bio
Grades: pre-K to 3rdRoom: B107
Year: 2024Time: 10:00 AM
Class Size: 6 to 10Prerequisites: None
Tuition and Fees: $36.25 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: NoneStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $30.00Cost Description: Supplies and copies
Homework: None
Parental Responsibilities: None
Class Description: This story time in French features stories, songs, fingerplays, rhymes, and other pre-literacy skill building activities. We will read familiar stories such as Goldilocks and the three bears, and some new stories such as L'adorable ours des neiges. No knowledge of French necessary and no reading/writing skills required. Come and have fun! Most material is presented in French with English instructions, allowing for a natural transition between stories and activities and exposing children to both languages in an inviting environment.

  Languages of the World and LinguisticsInstructor: Erik Ogle View My Bio
Grades: 7th to 12thRoom: A105
Year: 2024Time: 01:30 PM
Class Size: 5 to 12Prerequisites: No previous knowledge necessary. Reading, writing, speaking with classmates, able to study outside of class effectively. Reading, writing, speaking with classmates, able to study outside of class effectively.
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: Several hours of homework for every in class hour.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: This class will be a survey of languages, grammar, scripts and sounds from around the world. The purpose of this class will be twofold: 1) to give students a greater appreciation of the variety of ways people express themselves, and 2) to solidify students understanding of their own grammar by comparison with other languages. If you're not sure what language to study, this course might be a good starting place for you, and if you're not sure if it should be 'Johnny and me' or 'Johnny and I' and why (hint: both are correct...depending on context!), this class might be good for you.

  Lets GO LabyrinthInstructor: Rainer Romatka View My Bio
Grades: 6th to 12thRoom: A105
Year: 2024Time: 10:00 AM
Class Size: 4 to 12Prerequisites: None
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Go boards and stones if availableStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $40.00Cost Description: This is for the Go boards and stones unless students bring their own equipment to the class
Homework: None
Parental Responsibilities: None, but parents are encouraged to play with the students.
Class Description: The game of Go is an ancient east Asian (Japan,China, Korea) strategy game that I fell in love with when I first learned about it and that I keep admiring more and more the more I learn about it. Even though the rules are very simple (simpler than chess), its the most complex strategy game on this planet! In 1997 a computer was able to beat the world chess champion, Garry Kasparov. But it wasnt until 2016 - 19 years and many computer generations later - that computers achieved the same for Go when the AlphaGo program beat Lee Sedol. In this class, students will not only play games but we will also review these games, discussing the pros and cons of alternate moves. In these discussion students will learn basic Go concepts, such as what makes a living groups of stones, capturing techniques (ladders and nets), Joseki (patterns in the corners during the opening game), Fuseki (whole board patterns), etc. The class will also provide individualized guides to resources that students can use to improve their game, both books and online resources. The class will also briefly touch on the etiquette of Go and how Go can help us to reflect on ourselves by thinking about how we play the game.

  Life Science IIInstructor: Molly Hurd View My Bio
Grades: 6th to 8thRoom: B103
Year: 2024Time: 11:00 AM
Class Size: 7 to 12Prerequisites: Computer access, at grade level for reading and writing.
Tuition and Fees: $46.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: text book: CPO Life Science 2007 has frog on coverStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $75.00Cost Description: lab materials and most handouts
Homework: 1-2 hours per week
Parental Responsibilities: Read weekly emails, monitor students progress and homework.
Class Description: Life Science II will be a continuation of Life Science I, although you do not need to take year one to take year two. In Life Science II, we will be spending the majority of our time covering the 6 kingdoms (2 bacteria kingdoms, fungi, protist, plant, and animal) with an emphasis on local invertebrates. There will be many labs, including some dissections, and other types of activities. Approximately one hour of homework per week. Assignments will be graded, and students will receive a certificate/grade at the end of the year.

  Literature and CompositionInstructor: Tamarah Lee View My Bio
Grades: 9th to 12thRoom: A Upstairs/The Hub
Year: 2024Time: 11:00 AM
Class Size: 8 to 12Prerequisites: None.
Tuition and Fees: $62.25 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Books, pen and paper.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $30.00Cost Description: Tuition includes photocopies and printing supplies along with their writing notebook.
Homework: 3-4 hours a week
Parental Responsibilities: Parent Responsibility: To make sure your student has access to the books we need for class (either from a library or purchased) and to help them be prepared for class discussion. You will also need to communicate with me your academic expectation for your students and any accommodations that will help your student succeed.
Class Description: In this class we will be reading a book a month, exploring how to learn from these books about lives both like our own, and drastically different, using our discussions as a basis for writing. The students will engage narrative writing, persuasive writing, poetry, and research papers based on themes of history, sciences, ethics and personal journeys. We will read books related to the decades of the 20th century, to tie in with the Project Based History class. The weekly homework will be the springboard for each week's lessons, both to drive discussions and to pinpoint the areas of grammar and writing that need to be addressed. The goals of the class are to have lively discussions, to help each student recognize that they can write their thoughts in coherent forms and move them forward to their next step in their writing ability with each assignment. Books we may use: All Quiet on the Western Front, The Joy Luck Club, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, Audacity, Warriors Don't Cry, reading from Terry Pratchett or Maya Angelou along with Sci-fi and other short stories. Optional Half Credit Class: Use this as a literature class and not be responsible for the writing component offered. We will meet twice a week. Once at Labyrinth and once on Thursdays on Zoom at the same time as the Tuesday class.

  Live Action Ancient HistoryInstructor: Sawyer Mickle View My Bio
Grades: 3rd to 6thRoom: B103
Year: 2024Time: 01:30 PM
Class Size: 10 to 12Prerequisites: An interest in history and games. Basic writing, listening, and discussion skills.
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Notebook, pencil.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: None, I may provide additional documentaries for supplementary learning if there is demand.
Parental Responsibilities: None.
Class Description: Live-action ancient history will be a hands-on history class. What will that look like? The class will be primarily composed of two parts: one part lecture and discussion, and one part history game/scenario. What would this look like in class? Say we have just completed a history lesson on early civilizations Egypt, Achaemenid, Babylon, China, etc. Now each student will select an ancient civilization and get their building objective. Students will gather resources and compete with neighboring kingdoms throughout the game and have to manage their kingdom, dealing with plagues, population growth, rebellions, storms, attacks, and more, all while trying to complete their building objective and manage their resources. The first student to complete their building Egpyt the Pyramids, Achaemenid the Royal Road, Babylon the Tower of Babel, etc will win the game. Each game and scenario will be as close to historically accurate as possible. Some games will be played against fellow classmates others will be played as a class against myself and the scenario. Last year's history students will remember playing our class-wide Silk Road caravan game and our early hunter-gatherer survival game.

  Marine BiologyInstructor: Molly Hurd View My Bio
Grades: 9th to 12thRoom: B103
Year: 2024Time: 08:30 AM
Class Size: 5 to 12Prerequisites: Have internet access at home for research Good organizational skills Can work independently at home on homework
Tuition and Fees: $57.00 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1.5 hours
Student Provided Materials: noneStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $75.00Cost Description:
Homework: 3-5 hours per week /
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Learn about oceans and the amazing creatures that inhabit our vital waters. We will do weekly labs and activities combined with video clips and textbook Sometimes we will even get to sample! We will discuss current events, understand why our oceans are crucial for our survival and listen to guest speakers working in the field of marine biology. Previous Biology would be helpful not required. Expect 3-4 hours of homework per week with reading, questions, and you tube clips. Optional field trips in the spring for tide pooling. All work will be graded and students with C or better will receive one credit of science for their transcripts. 90 minute class

  Middle School Programming: Scratch 3.0, Minecraft Education, and Python with PygameInstructor: Patricia Rector View My Bio
Grades: 6th to 8thRoom: A108/A109
Year: 2024Time: 10:00 AM
Class Size: 6 to 12Prerequisites: Good keyboarding skills (no hunt and peck for letters on a keyboard) and an interest in learning to program. There will be 6 short student presentations over the course of the year and students should feel comfortable presenting their game projects and research in front of a class.
Tuition and Fees: $49.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: NoneStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $55.00Cost Description: Supply cost covers the two required class books: Scratch 3 Programming Playground, by Al Sweigart Coding Games in Python, DK Publishing
Homework: Research will be required for short student presentations during the year. 30-45 minutes per week for the Python unit.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: This class teaches foundational programming skills through three popular coding platforms, transitioning from block coding into a general scripting programming language. The content is divided into three units with Scratch 3.0, Minecraft Education, and beginning Python. Games projects include puzzles, quizzes, strategy games, and geometric designs. Emphasis will be given to lessons in Digital Citizenship, Equity and Inclusion, Climate and Sustainability, and Social and Emotional Wellbeing. The class curriculum is aligned to NGSS, ISTE, and CSTA standards and meets CTE Career Clusters for this age group.

  Mindful Meetings YogaInstructor: Sarah Weeldreyer View My Bio
Grades: 9th to AdultRoom: Sanctuary
Year: 2024Time: 01:30 PM
Class Size: 4 to 12Prerequisites: Skills needed: Ability to be still and quiet at times, to follow directions without disrupting the class.
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Yoga mat, comfortable clothes for movingStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Parental Responsibilities: None
Class Description: Carve out some time in your busy day to slow down and breathe. We'll make time for mindful movement and breath, we'll meditate, we'll chat and share. Movement practices are gentle, and many modifications will be offered so that students of all abilities may have options for physical participation.

  Never Bored Again: Playing Cards and Paper GamesInstructor: Sara Weimer View My Bio
Grades: 6th to 12thRoom: A105
Year: 2024Time: 12:30 PM
Class Size: 4 to 9Prerequisites: ability to sit and play a game for 30-45 minutes, ability to remember game rules, willingness to lose! Skills to be sharpened: strategy, patience, being a good sport, attention to detail, listening, cooperation.
Tuition and Fees: $0.00 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: none, optional textbook: Math Games with Bad Drawings by Ben OrlinStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $20.00Cost Description: blank notebook, deck of playing cards, pencil, pen
Homework: Share your new games!
Parental Responsibilities: Parents are encouraged to play these games with your kids.
Class Description: Sharpen your pencil and shuffle your deck, we are still playing GAMES! Never Bored Again is appropriate for new and previous Never Bored students. We will learn new games, and dive deeper into the strategy of some of our favorite games we've already learned. The games we play will use nothing more than a few easy-to-carry supplies - a notebook and a deck of cards. There will be games of strategy and chance, multiplayer and solo. The games will have rules simple enough to remember so you can teach your friends, and be interesting enough to play over and over and over and... Come play!

  Page to Stage: Put on a Show!Instructor: Eric Ankrim View My Bio
Grades: 5th to 12thRoom: GymA
Year: 2024Time: 01:30 PM
Class Size: 10 to 20Prerequisites: n/a
Tuition and Fees: $57.00 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1.5 hours
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $100.00Cost Description: Script preparation, purchasing backing tracks, and additional coordination and rehearsal time outside of class hours nearing the production.
Homework: Students are expected to practice their material outside of class time.
Parental Responsibilities: Parents responsible for helping provide costume, props and sets.
Class Description: This is a production of a play or musical that will go through a casting process and be fully staged by the end of the year. This class will require some additional rehearsal time in the spring closer to the performance dates. NOTE: This is a 75-minute class: 1:30pm- 2:45pm

  Physics Zip, Zap, ZoomInstructor: Molly Hurd View My Bio
Grades: 1st to 2ndRoom: B103
Year: 2024Time: 10:00 AM
Class Size: 8 to 12Prerequisites: Need to be 6 years old minimum.
Tuition and Fees: $46.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: noneStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $75.00Cost Description: Includes all handouts and weekly toys
Homework: none
Parental Responsibilities: Read weekly emails. Assist student in class if needed.
Class Description: Learn about forces and motion, light and color, wheels, simple machines (levers, wedges, wheels/gears) magnetism, sound, inventions, and famous scientists. Lots of hands on activities and engaging activities for inquiring kids from making parachutes, flying airplanes, using Legos, gears, mirrors, magnets, and lots more. Students usually come home with a small toy that represents what we learned about that day for reinforcement and home discussion. Classes include hands on activities, You Tube clips, and reading/circle time. Students will come home each week with a small toy/gadget that represents what we learned about in class.

  PLAY, SEW & CREATE! ONEInstructor: Cole Adams View My Bio
Grades: 3rd to 6thRoom: B101 Outside
Year: 2024Time: 01:30 PM
Class Size: 4 to 10Prerequisites: Needs to have good self control for this class. We will be using sharp needles and scissors.
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: A piece of the students clothing that needs mending, if they have any sewing or embroidery materials they would like to use (not needed)Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $60.00Cost Description: Fabric, thread, stitch kit for each student, work bag
Homework: Yes! As time permits. Sewing skills increase quickly with short daily sessions. This can be combined with audiobooks and music.
Parental Responsibilities: Encouragement, help with detangling a frustrating knot in the project. Gentle reminder of daily sewing commitment.
Class Description: Hand sewing is a life long skill that is fun. We will work together to learn embroidery stitches, visible mending (patching holes creatively), and quilting! If you love working with your hands and want to learn how to expand your stitching knowledge, this is the class for you. As you start your hand sewing journey it is important to stick with projects even if there are small mistakes in the project. Skills: dexterity, increased knowledge of thread, needles, fabric types and how to work with them.

  Preschool StorytimeInstructor: Amie Santerelli View My Bio
Grades: 3yr to KRoom: B104
Year: 2024Time: 11:00 AM
Class Size: 4 to 10Prerequisites: None
Tuition and Fees: $20.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: NoneStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $20.00Cost Description: Consumables for art and sensory activities.
Homework: None
Parental Responsibilities: Be prepared to join your little one if they are having separation anxiety.
Class Description: This class is designed for our preschool students to have their own special time with friends while enjoying songs, stories and a related age appropriate activitity. This class will enrich language , fine motor and social skills development while having fun with friends.

  Private Music LessonInstructor: Dennis Helppie View My Bio
Grades: 1st to 12thRoom: Music Room
Year: 2024Time: 11:00 AM
Class Size: 1 to 1Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $145.00 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 30 minutes
Student Provided Materials: Instructor will determine at first meeting.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: Daily practice as time permits.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Private 30 minute music lessons. Choose from violin, viola, cello, guitar, ukulele, and beginning piano. All ages and skill levels welcome.

  Private Music LessonInstructor: Dennis Helppie View My Bio
Grades: 1st to 12thRoom: Music Room
Year: 2024Time: 12:30 PM
Class Size: 1 to 1Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $145.00 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 30 minutes
Student Provided Materials: Instructor will determine at first meeting.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: Daily practice as time permits.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Private 30 minute music lessons. Choose from violin, viola, cello, guitar, ukulele, and beginning piano. All ages and skill levels welcome.

  Private Music LessonInstructor: Dennis Helppie View My Bio
Grades: 1st to 12thRoom: Music Room
Year: 2024Time: 01:00 PM
Class Size: 1 to 1Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $145.00 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 30 minutes
Student Provided Materials: Instructor will determine at first meeting.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: Daily practice as time permits.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Private 30 minute music lessons. Choose from violin, viola, cello, guitar, ukulele, and beginning piano. All ages and skill levels welcome.

  Private Music LessonInstructor: Dennis Helppie View My Bio
Grades: 1st to 12thRoom: Music Room
Year: 2024Time: 10:00 AM
Class Size: 1 to 1Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $145.00 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 30 minutes
Student Provided Materials: Instructor will determine at first meeting.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: Daily practice as time permits.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Private 30 minute music lessons. Choose from violin, viola, cello, guitar, ukulele, and beginning piano. All ages and skill levels welcome.

  Private Music LessonInstructor: Dennis Helppie View My Bio
Grades: 1st to 12thRoom: Music Room
Year: 2024Time: 11:30 AM
Class Size: 1 to 1Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $145.00 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 30 minutes
Student Provided Materials: Instructor will determine at first meeting.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: Daily practice as time permits.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Private 30 minute music lessons. Choose from violin, viola, cello, guitar, ukulele, and beginning piano. All ages and skill levels welcome.

  Private Music LessonInstructor: Dennis Helppie View My Bio
Grades: 1st to 12thRoom: Music Room
Year: 2024Time: 01:30 PM
Class Size: 1 to 1Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $145.00 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 30 minutes
Student Provided Materials: Instructor will determine at first meeting.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: Daily practice as time permits.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Private 30 minute music lessons. Choose from violin, viola, cello, guitar, ukulele, and beginning piano. All ages and skill levels welcome.

  Private Music LessonInstructor: Dennis Helppie View My Bio
Grades: 1st to 12thRoom: Music Room
Year: 2024Time: 02:00 PM
Class Size: 1 to 1Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $145.00 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 30 minutes
Student Provided Materials: Instructor will determine at first meeting.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: Daily practice as time permits.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Private 30 minute music lessons. Choose from violin, viola, cello, guitar, ukulele, and beginning piano. All ages and skill levels welcome.

  Private Music LessonInstructor: Dennis Helppie View My Bio
Grades: 1st to 12thRoom: Music Room
Year: 2024Time: 09:00 AM
Class Size: 1 to 1Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $145.00 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 30 minutes
Student Provided Materials: Instructor will determine at first meeting.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: Daily practice as time permits.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Private 30 minute music lessons. Choose from violin, viola, cello, guitar, ukulele, and beginning piano. All ages and skill levels welcome.

  Private Music LessonInstructor: Dennis Helppie View My Bio
Grades: 1st to 12thRoom: Music Room
Year: 2024Time: 09:30 AM
Class Size: 1 to 1Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $145.00 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 30 minutes
Student Provided Materials: Instructor will determine at first meeting.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: Daily practice as time permits.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Private 30 minute music lessons. Choose from violin, viola, cello, guitar, ukulele, and beginning piano. All ages and skill levels welcome.

  Private Music LessonInstructor: Dennis Helppie View My Bio
Grades: 1st to 12thRoom: Music Room
Year: 2024Time: 10:30 AM
Class Size: 1 to 1Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $145.00 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 30 minutes
Student Provided Materials: Instructor will determine at first meeting.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: Daily practice as time permits.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Private 30 minute music lessons. Choose from violin, viola, cello, guitar, ukulele, and beginning piano. All ages and skill levels welcome.

  Project Based 20th Century US History for High SchoolInstructor: Tamarah Lee View My Bio
Grades: 9th to 12thRoom: A Upstairs/The Hub
Year: 2024Time: 10:00 AM
Class Size: 8 to 12Prerequisites: None.
Tuition and Fees: $62.25 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Howard ZinnStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $40.00Cost Description: The cost of supplies will be for photocopies and materials.
Homework: Homework will be 4-5 hours a week, mostly in self-selected study, reading and projects.
Parental Responsibilities: Parent will supply Howard Zinn's A Young People s History of the United States (audio or book form), project supplies, and access to the internet and the library. The full list of books will come out in August. They will also need to communicate with me their academic expectation for their students and any accommodations that will help their student succeed.
Class Description: Using Howard Zinn's A People History of the United State, Crash Course History, along with supplemental material and primary sources we will look at the history of the United States during the 20th century. We will explore the major events and themes of each decade, searching for unheard voices amid the dominate narrative. The students will do a deep dive into the decades exploring an area of their choosing (science, fashion, entertainment, literature, exploration, politics, world influence, etc.) and present their findings in project form (podcast, video, dramatic reenactment, poster, paper, diorama, etc.) to the class . We will meet twice a week. Once at Labyrinth and once on Thursdays on Zoom at the same time as the Labyrinth class.

  Psychology 101Instructor: Jennifer Harris View My Bio
Grades: 8th to 12thRoom: A106
Year: 2024Time: 11:00 AM
Class Size: 5 to 12Prerequisites: Be able to read a chapter every week to every other week, sit, listen, and discuss the material as a group.
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Psychology 13th edition, by David G. Myers and C. Nathan DeWall. Edition 11 and 12 work as well.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: Reading a chapter once a week to every other week and watch 2+ videos (~10-15 minutes). A few optional projects per semester that challenge you to think like a psychologist.
Parental Responsibilities: N/A
Class Description: What makes you who you are? How does the brain actually work? What is mental health? These questions and more will be answered as we dive into the amazing study of the mind! This class is equivalent to a college level introductory class in Psychology. Class will meet in person on Tuesdays and via Zoom on Thursdays at the same time.

  Read your way to AdventureInstructor: Patty Spear View My Bio
Grades: 2nd to 4thRoom: B102
Year: 2024Time: 12:30 PM
Class Size: 6 to 12Prerequisites: Ability to read/listen and comprehend at roughly a 3rd grade level, and ability to pay attention in class.
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: All books will either be available from the library or bookstores.Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $60.00Cost Description: Supplies for crafts and activities completed in class.
Homework: Approximately 1 hour/week to complete reading assignments
Parental Responsibilities: Make sure students have the required books, and oversee the reading.
Class Description: How much fun can we have with books? Using a mix of fabulous early chapter books and story books we will explore the world around us, cultures, animals, science, weather, and anything else that sparks our imagination. Read-aloud time, games, crafts, and special presentations will be part of the learning experience. This is a great opportunity to help children discover the wonder of books. Audio books are always acceptable. Possible books: Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library, The Wild Robot, Cricket in Times Square, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, and George’s Secret Key to the Universe. Books are chosen based on reading lels of class members, so a final book list cannot be determined until shortly before classes start. Prior year’s books can be found at under The Book Stacks. One required book will be Reading Journal for Kids who Love Books by Melissa Taylor.

  Science SafariInstructor: Molly Hurd View My Bio
Grades: 3rd to 4thRoom: B103
Year: 2024Time: 12:30 PM
Class Size: 8 to 12Prerequisites: Be able to write and read at grade level. Students should be able to write words and fill out a worksheet in their binder.
Tuition and Fees: $46.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: noneStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $75.00Cost Description: Binder of curriculum and all materials for activities
Homework: occasional
Parental Responsibilities: Be willing to come assist in class if student is having difficulty. Read weekly emails.
Class Description: We will go on a science safari! Classes will be filled with activities, labs, and art projects. Students will receive a notebook filled with all topics we cover. In the fall we will learn about bugs/insects, bats, birds, and local trees (very fall activities). Second part of the year we will do a unit on chemistry basics, electricity & magnetism, and geology. Learn about atoms, states of matter, density, pH, circuits, and grow some crystals. Occasional homework project. Goal is that students will be exposed to a variety of science fields, learn fundamentals of each, and be excited to pursue more science in the future.

  Sew By Hand (TWO)Instructor: Cole Adams View My Bio
Grades: 6th to 12thRoom: B101 Outside
Year: 2024Time: 12:30 PM
Class Size: 4 to 12Prerequisites: None
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: A piece of the students clothing that needs mending, if they have any sewing or embroidery materials they would like to use (not needed)Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $60.00Cost Description: Fabric, thread, stitch kit for each student, work bag
Homework: Daily Homework - we will work on presenting the ideas and projects in class but 10- 15 min of daily stitching will increase dexterity and problem solving of each student. Can be done while listening to audio book, podcast or music!
Parental Responsibilities: Encouragement, help with detangling a frustrating knot in the project. Gentle reminder of daily sewing commitment.
Class Description: Hand sewing and embroidery are fun ways to create personal touches sprinkled throughout your life. We will work together to learn embroidery stitches, visible mending (patching holes creatively). If you love working with your hands and want to learn how to expand your stitching knowledge, this is the class for you. As you start your hand sewing journey it is important to stick with projects even if there are small mistakes in the project. We will work as a community to help grow deeper in the work, through critique show-and-tell of our projects. Skills: dexterity, increased knowledge of thread, needles, fabric types and how to work with them. TWO- will focus on surface design - painting, drawing, dyeing fabric as part of our projects.

  Singing and PerformanceInstructor: Eric Ankrim View My Bio
Grades: 3rd to 12thRoom: Sanctuary
Year: 2024Time: 09:00 AM
Class Size: 10 to 14Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $46.75 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $25.00Cost Description:
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: A performance based class, focused on growing the performer's voice through singing. The class will work on group songs, and even give performers opportunities to sing solos! We will play musical games, and still move our bodies, but the performers will be more focused on singing than in Mr. Eric's other drama classes. Learning performance through song is a great way to develop confidence, and the act of singing is a joyful one! This class will be full of fun, play, and most of all growth through music!

  Stop Motion Studio ExplorationInstructor: Deanna Cheatwood View My Bio
Grades: 6th to 8thRoom: B101 Inside
Year: 2024Time: 01:30 PM
Class Size: 6 to 12Prerequisites: none
Tuition and Fees: $36.25 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Phone or Ipad with Stop Motion Studio App, tripod or other stabilization deviceStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: 1-2 hours
Parental Responsibilities: Purchase Stop Motion Studio app
Class Description: Embark on a captivating journey into the world of stop motion animation with our dynamic class, 'Stop Motion Studio Exploration.' Dive into the rich history of this art form in film, advertising, social media, and pop culture, uncovering the secrets behind iconic creations. Delve into hands-on learning with the Stop Motion Studio app, mastering its features to turn your ideas into captivating visual stories. Immerse yourself in project-based exploration, applying your skills to creative endeavors like storytelling and character design. Foster connections in a collaborative environment, share ideas and celebrate the magic of stop motion together. Engage in interactive discussions about its impact on storytelling, advertising, and social media, gaining valuable insights into its evolving significance. Join us for a class where imagination comes to life!

  Studio Art 1-3Instructor: Sari Israel View My Bio
Grades: 1st to 3rdRoom: B105
Year: 2024Time: 09:00 AM
Class Size: 3 to 10Prerequisites: none
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: none
Parental Responsibilities: dress for a mess
Class Description: Discover new and exciting ways to create art! A wide variety of techniques and mediums will be used including drawing, painting, pastel, collage, printmaking and sculpture. We will learn about master artists, world cultures, recycled art, and use that knowledge to create original artwork. Please note: this class has a two-year rotating curriculum.

  Studio Art 1-3Instructor: Sari Israel View My Bio
Grades: 1st to 3rdRoom: B105
Year: 2024Time: 12:30 PM
Class Size: 3 to 10Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: none
Parental Responsibilities: dress for a mess
Class Description: Discover new and exciting ways to create art! A wide variety of techniques and mediums will be used including drawing, painting, pastel, collage, printmaking and sculpture. We will learn about master artists, world cultures, recycled art, and use that knowledge to create original artwork. Please note: this class has a two-year rotating curriculum.

  Studio Art 3-6: Art Through TimeInstructor: Sari Israel View My Bio
Grades: 3rd to 6thRoom: B105
Year: 2024Time: 11:00 AM
Class Size: 3 to 10Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: none
Parental Responsibilities: dress for a mess
Class Description: Beginning with ancient art and continuing through modern times, this studio art class will have a brief introduction relating each project to a specific time period. A wide variety of techniques and mediums will be used including drawing, painting, pastel, collage, printmaking and sculpture. Discover new and exciting ways to create original artwork, inspired by master artists and world cultures. (this class could replace Studio Art 3-6) Please note: if the class is taken for more than one year, some projects may be repeated.

  Studio Art 3-6: Art Through TimeInstructor: Sari Israel View My Bio
Grades: 3rd to 6thRoom: B105
Year: 2024Time: 10:00 AM
Class Size: 3 to 10Prerequisites: none
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Homework: none
Parental Responsibilities: dress for a mess
Class Description: Beginning with ancient art and continuing through modern times, this studio art class will have a brief introduction relating each project to a specific time period. A wide variety of techniques and mediums will be used including drawing, painting, pastel, collage, printmaking and sculpture. Discover new and exciting ways to create original artwork, inspired by master artists and world cultures. (this class could replace Studio Art 3-6) Please note: if the class is taken for more than one year, some projects may be repeated.

  The Great American Road TripInstructor: Salma Zarook View My Bio
Grades: 5th to 7thRoom: A107
Year: 2024Time: 09:00 AM
Class Size: 5 to 12Prerequisites:
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Young travelers, get ready for an adventure! During this class, we will embark on a figurative journey through the 50 states of America - in an RV! That means choosing an RV according to a given budget, tracking our expenses, saving up our salaries (we have remote jobs!), figuring out how much it costs to fix a flat tire and understanding the logistics of getting from place to place. As we make our way through the states, we will be learning about the culture, nature and history that characterizes each state. We will document our thoughts and experiences with frequent postcards home. While we make our way through the country, we will encounter all sorts of mishaps like dead ends in Nevada, hurricanes in Florida and bear encounters in Alaska, prompting us to problem solve and think critically. We will be researching, writing, calculating and presenting as we go on this trip of a lifetime!

  The Mystery RoomInstructor: Salma Zarook View My Bio
Grades: 5th to 8thRoom: A107
Year: 2024Time: 10:00 AM
Class Size: 8 to 12Prerequisites: No prerequisites but mysteries from the 2021-2022 class will be repeated.
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description:
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: In this class, each student will act as a character in a larger mystery, stuck in a room with other characters where, together, clues will be found, motives will be questioned, and maps will be analyzed to solve the larger mystery. Students will need to be creative as they try to discern red herrings from real clues as they follow trails of evidence to come to a conclusion. We will dabble in creative writing as students delve into their characters psyche, develop backstories and even write their own mysteries. Throughout the class, we will be using critical thinking, creative problem solving and collaboration to investigate and solve mysteries, acting, creating and having fun as we go!

  Transformational ParentingInstructor: Amie Santerelli View My Bio
Grades: Adult to AdultRoom: B104
Year: 2024Time: 01:30 PM
Class Size: 1 to 12Prerequisites: ***Note : children are welcome to come and play quietly while we meet!***
Tuition and Fees: $10.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $0.00Cost Description: $20/month (E-copy of work book and website access provided. If you'd like a paper copy, that cost would be yours.)
Homework: Recommend reading but not required: 'The Power Of Showing Up' by Daniel Siegel, 'Non-Violent Communication' by Marshall B. Rosenberg
Parental Responsibilities: Weekly homework
Class Description: I am thrilled to announce that this spring i will complete my certification fromJAI Institute as a certified parent coach! This class will be based on the belief that our children's behavior is a direct reflection of their needs (met or unmet)and our triggers (expressed consciously unconsciously). When we change, our children's behavior changes. This process guides your awareness of your own residual patterns from childhood and provides the ground work to parent with empowered beleifs and chosen values. This class provides a transformational experience first, children secondarily and family as a whole! The specific tools and strategies taught are grounded in Attachment and Nervous System Science.

  Washington State HistoryInstructor: Erik Ogle View My Bio
Grades: 6th to 12thRoom: A107
Year: 2024Time: 12:30 PM
Class Size: 6 to 12Prerequisites: Reading, writing, ability to analyze and discuss historical content
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Textbook, to be determined, notebookStatus: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $20.00Cost Description: For rental of Burke boxes, purchase of supplies for in class activities, and items for demonstration.
Homework: Weekly reading and activities 1-2 hours
Parental Responsibilities: Optional field trip attendence
Class Description: Traces the state's history, geography, government, and economics from the pre-columbian era through the present. Students examine struggles to control territory in the Pacific Northwest, the conflicts and treaties that pushed Washington's indigenous tribes onto reservations, and the statehood movement. In the 20th century, Washington became a center for agriculture, technology, and aerospace industries. Students learn how Washingtons unique location and natural resources have long influenced its economic development, along with the state's demographic diversity, and evolving interaction between people and the environment.

  Yoga and MindfulnessInstructor: Sarah Weeldreyer View My Bio
Grades: 5th to 8thRoom: B101 Inside
Year: 2024Time: 11:00 AM
Class Size: 4 to 10Prerequisites: Skills needed: Student can sit quietly for 5-10min at a time (even if they don't want to participate), to minimize disruptions for those in class who want to try the more quiet mindfulness practices.
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Yoga mat (teacher has a few to borrow if needed, please let me know)Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $20.00Cost Description: Refresh for props, a few take home items throughout.
Homework: Occasional optional homework 'missions' (i.e. do a random act of kindness, practice gratitude, deep breaths every morning, etc)
Parental Responsibilities: Helping facilitate a kind and supportive community by responding to teacher requests/needs for action or intervention.
Class Description: Science homework stressing you out? Let's learn to breath through it. Been catching up on all that history reading? Learn some mindful movement patterns to reset and recharge your body. Siblings driving you crazy? Let's practice noticing those feels in our bodies, before they explode and create undesirable consequences! Using yoga poses, breath, and different meditation techniques, this class strives to give students resources and tools to connect with their physical body. We will use these tools to learn about how our emotions affect us, and how we can use these tools to move through challenging situations, and enhance physical and mental health. We will experiment with lots of different movement styles, from quiet and restorative to challenging physical practices. Always with lots of guidance and suggestions to modify. Always with a welcoming and accepting attitude. Always celebrating our wins as we go!

  Yoga for YounglingsInstructor: Sarah Weeldreyer View My Bio
Grades: 1st to 4thRoom: B101 Inside
Year: 2024Time: 12:30 PM
Class Size: 4 to 10Prerequisites: Ability to follow directions, or at least to sit quietly and not disturb the other kiddos. I'm fine with kids bringing a book or quiet work to do if they don't feel like yoga-ing on some days. But we need to let others have the space to attempt the practices. You know your kiddo best, and I trust your judgement.
Tuition and Fees: $41.50 per 4-Class SessionDuration: 1 hour
Student Provided Materials: Status: Active
One Time Cost (to teacher) $20.00Cost Description: Props refresh and occasional little treats to take home.
Parental Responsibilities:
Class Description: Gather with some friends for some 'jedi' training. We will practice special breathing to center our minds. Mindful movement to focus our attention. And create positive energy in our bodies to carry us through the tricky moments in our days. Every class starts with a circle sharing time, where we share our wins from our week and celebrate with our community what is going right and sparking joy for us. Then we move and breathe. Some of our movement practice will include; yoga dance parties, invent your own yoga pose, students get to teach to the class, different styles and types of yoga. We end each day with a kind and thoughtful story book. Optional homework includes student ideas such as random acts of kindness, looking for helpers, gratitude art. Who knows what we'll come up with!